Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mumbai aka. Bombay

The Gateway to Mumbai

Reference: Wikipedia

Mumbai, one of the largest city in India, also happens to be the capital city of the said country. It's is your typical metropolitan city with high technologies, skyscrapers as well as fashionable people thronging the incredible busy streets and heavy traffic.

Despite that, what makes the city stand out is the peppering of Indian traditional culture to the city; no where else in the world would you find a city with people wearing traditional saris, gorgeous temples and mosque in the mix with sky high office buildings etc.

Like any other metropolitan city (think New York), it has a darker side to the city as well. Mumbai house one of the largest slums in Asia, a village known as Dharavi. This reflects the gap between the capable and the poor which still plagues the Indian society.

Metropolitan - A large, highly developed, highly populated fast growing city.
Slum - Thickly populated, run-down, squalid part of a city, inhabited by poor people.
Indigenous - Originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country/ native.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sari सरि

Source: Wikipedia

Sari is a form of Indian clothing exclusive to women. With an origin tracing back to when Buddhism first founded (Indus Valley Civilization) it's basically a 7-9 meter piece of hand woven silk cloth wrap around the body in various style. The draping styles and designs have their own minor difference and own personalities according to their origin and continents, some are more colorful and some are more revealing than most. This is usually paired with a blouse called Choli or Ravika, and most Indian women will adorn themselves with colorful bangles and earrings as well as various jeweleries.

(a) Subcontinent - A large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent
(b) Sultry - Characterized by or arousing passion
(c) Petticoat - A form of women's underwear, worn under skirts

Popular Music Group The PussyCat Dolls wearing Saris.