Monday, October 12, 2009

Deepavali aka. Diwali (The Celebration of Light)

Original Article: Click Here!
Other Reference: Click Here!

Deepavali, also known as Diwali or the Festival of Light, usually celebrated at around October or November, is the new year for Hindus. Legend has it that the demon Narakasuka, the King of Pradyoshapuram rule his kingdom with iron fist. Seeing his wickedness, Lord Krishna destroyed him and every year, the Hindus celebrate the day as Deepavali.

Rituals including an oil bath before dusk, and set out to the temple for prayers. Of course, guests who visits will be treated a wide variety of Indian delicacies such as Chicken Tandoori, curries, and all sorts of pastries including the delightful Badham Phirni.

The little lights which Hindus place around their house to ward off Evil on Deepavali.

3 Vocabularies:
(a.) Inauspicious: a bad omen.
(b.) Clad: covered/ wearing.
(c.) Prosperity: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, esp. in financial respects; good fortune


Coincidentally, this year's Deepavali will be on the 17th of October, meaning less than 5 days from today. Therefore,

Happy Deepavali
to all my Indian friends back in Malaysia!

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