Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taj Mahal ताज महल

Taj Mahal

Source: Click Here!

Taj Mahal, famous across the globe for its exceptional architectural beauty fusing Hindu, Persian and Muslim architectural styles, and the heart wrenching love story behind the origin of the construction lead it to be crown one of the eighth world wonders of the world.

Originally constructed under the supervision of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, planned as a tomb for his beloved third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who passed away during labor. After 21 years of construction, the emperor was locked away under house arrest by his son. Legend has it that Emperor Shah Jahan were only able to reminiscence and wallow on his memory of his favorite wife through a tiny hole on a wall.

The building itself has some bloody myths as well, with some claiming that the Emperor had all the construction workers and those who were responsible for the building, architecture etc. either blinded or had their limbs (particularly the arms) dismembered to prevent them from making another replica.

Each year, millions of tourist visit the holy and wondrous site, with hundreds of thousands foreign tourist flocking in to the mystical building.

3 Vocabularies:
(a) Ascending: Moving upwards.
(b) Palatial: Befitting or suitable for a palace.
(c) Inventory: To catalog.


Walkway beside the reflecting pool

Tomb of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

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